The combination of wind and sunset makes for some awesome photos.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible, usually within a few hours, either Andreea or Adrian will respond to your enquiry. We have also sent an automated confirmation e-mail to the address you used when you filled in the form.
You haven’t received your confirmation e-mail? Let us give you a hand!
Is the e-mail you used correct? Are you checking the right e-mail account?
Check your spam folder for your confirmation e-mail. It can lose its way to your inbox and wind up trapped in there!
Keep in mind, it can take a while, even a few hours for you to receive your e-mail confirmation. We ask you to be patient for at least two hours.
You can try to fill in the form once again, remember to make sure your e-mail address is correct.
After following these steps, if you still have not received a confirmation you can let us know by sending us an e-mail at
We’ll be happy to help you out!